Course curriculum

    1. All about the learning platform

    2. Welcome from The President of The Advocacy Academy

    1. Video #1 Trauma and Sexuality

    2. Handout #1: Circles of Sexuality

    3. Pause and Reflect #1

    1. Video #2 Healing and Agency

    2. Pause and Reflect #2

    3. Consent Stones

    1. Video #3 Pleasure

    2. Identifying Sources of Pleasure

    1. References and Resources

    2. Feedback

About this course

  • $39.00
  • 12 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content

Instructor, T. Nicole Cirone, will focus on the impact of traumatic events on one's sense of self and feelings around safety and agency in relationships.

Learning Objectives

  • 1

    Participants will reflect on how trauma can impact a person's sense of self and feelings of safety in relationships with others.

  • 2

    Participants will consider how recommending self-intimacy-encouraging techniques such as reconnection with the body through self-sensual practices, journaling and yoga can help their clients and loved ones reclaim agency and practice safety and consent, which can function as an important part of their healing.

  • 3

    Participants will engage in thoughtful exercises in which they will process, in writing and discussion, their own understanding of how trauma might impact their practice and relationships with self and others.

Other Course Options

  • $49.00

    $49.00ON DEMAND: Compassion Fatigue to Compassion Satisfaction

    Open to any helping professional! This course helps participants re-discover joy and fulfillment in their work.
    Buy Now
  • $49.00

    $49.00ON DEMAND: Stages of Change for Victim Advocates

    Learn how to support survivors as they approach intimacy following trauma.
    Buy Now
  • $79.00

    $79.00ON DEMAND: Motivational Interviewing for Victim Advocates

    Learn specific skills for communicating with clients about moving forward in the aftermath of trauma.
    Buy Now