Course curriculum

    1. A Welcome From the President of The Advocacy Academy (3 min)

    2. About the learning platform (5 min)

    3. Welcome from the Instructor (2 min)

    4. Syllabus

    5. Overview of Learning Objectives (1 min)

    6. Read: Grief and Violence (10 min)

    1. Types of Grief (5 min)

    2. Grief and Trauma (5 min)

    3. Disenfranchised Grief (5 min)

    4. Tools: Grief Recovery Assessment (5 min)

    5. Dual Process Model (5 min)

    6. Handout: Tasks of Mourning (5 min)

    7. Case Study (5 min)

    8. Creative Ways of Healing (5 min)

    9. Handout: Healthy Coping (5 min)

    10. Handout: Transforming Grief into Joy (5 min)

    1. Bonus YouTube Video: Collective Grief (30 min)

    2. Resource Guide

About this course

  • $49.00
  • 18 lessons

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Instructor: Elizabeth McElroy

Elizabeth McElroy


Elizabeth McElroy is a clinical social worker in private practice. She earned her MSW from the University of Maryland at Baltimore. Before launching her private practice, her professional experiences included home hospice, nursing home care, medical case management, and behavioral health counseling. She also provides clinical supervision to social workers seeking to fulfill their licensure requirements or enhance their practice. She occasionally blogs about her experiences as a social worker at